Friday, January 23, 2009

Oh, Where to Begin...

I am obviously not very good at this blogging stuff on a regular basis! I'll try to do better this year! Kaydon is absolutely fabulous! He is growing up so fast and he is so much fun right now! But before I tell you about what he is doing now, let me try to catch you up since the last post...his haircut! He looks so much different (and so much more like his dad) now that he doesn't have his curls and longer hair now! I miss his curls, but I do have to say that he is still a handsome little boy! Here's a little peak at his new haircut! The day after his haircut, Kaydon had his 9 month checkup and he went to visit Santa! The visit with Santa was pretty fun and he liked Santa...or at least he didn't scream at Santa. He really studied Santa and checked him out! His 9 month checkup wasn't as fun because he got several shots, but he bounced back from those within minutes! Kaydon is still in the 10th percentile for weight, and 75th percentile for heighth! He is a tall, skinny boy! The doctor was not concerned and asked me if he was pretty active! I just laughed...he never sits down, or at least he never stops!

A couple of days after his haircut, we went and had his 9 month pictures taken and a first family photo too! They turned out really good and of course we bought too many pictures, but there were just so many good ones, it was just hard to say no! See what I mean?? And that is just a couple (out of 50 or so shots that are on the CD!)

On Dec. 12-16th, we went to Branson with Chris's mom and stepdad. We had a great time and got to see lots of pretty lights. Of course we went to Silver Dollar City which was gorgeous this time of year! The weather wasn't too bad, and as a result therefore SDC was packed-literally! You could hardly walk, but regardless we had fun! We also did a little shopping, a little sightseeing, visited Santa again and relaxed at the condo. It was a nice time and nice to get away for a few days! Various pictures from the Landing, a shopping area in Branson

We celebrated Christmas several times and of course Kaydon loved it all! His favorite part of Christmas was the wrapping paper and boxes...who needs toys! He was pretty cute during it all!

We spent New Year's Eve at home with my family and with the Short's. We celebrated Brenda's birthday and welcomed 2009 at the same time. On New Year's Day we went to my Aunt Doris's house. 2009 has been a pretty quiet year so far!

Kaydon is quite the character! Right now, his newest "trick" is to shake his head yes when you ask him a question! It is pretty funny!

He can also play "So Big" although he only raises one had (instead of both) when you ask him, "How big is Kaydon?". He is waving bye-bye still, although now there is more "wrist-action" rather than just waving his whole arm. When he is eating, he "signs" all done, even though sometimes he has just started eating! I think he is trying to tell me that he is 'all-done' with whatever I am trying to feed him! Who knows! Mealtime is quite fun right now! He will vigorously shake his head no when he doesn't want something you are trying to offer, although if you keep trying or sing a song while trying to feed him, he might change his mind about eating whatever you are offering! He also rolls his eyes to the ceiling (sometimes...) when he doesn't want something you are trying to feed him. Never try to rush him through doesn't work very well! I am also thankful that I have dogs! They are a very effecient clean up crew! I just have to mop up/wipe up the lick marks off of the floor every once in a while!! Kaydon has learned to dance when he hears some music. His favorite music to dance to goes with his new jungle toy that he got for Christmas. He figured out that if he pushes the monkey's hand, it will play music and he dances around! It is pretty cute to watch!

Kaydon loves monkeys and he has a stuffed monkey (Curious George) that has to go places with us. He loves it when his mommy and daddy make monkey noises! :) Kaydon likes to open our dresser drawers and see what treasures he can find. He finds many of my bracelets. He likes to drag them out all over the bedroom floor and chew on them too! Then while he is in the bedroom, he heads to the tub to turn on the faucet! He's not very good about turning them off yet though! We'll have to work on that one! Another biggie right now is that Kaydon is taking some steps. He will take 5-8 steps on his own! It is so fun to watch him "walk"-he is so proud of himself when he does this! I keep thinking that any day he will take-off, and when he does, my life will change (but secretly, I can't wait:))

Kaydon is 10 1/2 months now and he is more fun everyday! He makes me laugh all the time! Speaking of laughing, I have a quick funny story about him before I post this huge post! About a week and a half ago, Kaydon was taking his morning nap. I had done a few things (like put dinner in the crockpot, folded a load of laundry, etc.) and then I headed to the basement to walk on the treadmill for a little while. I had the monitor on so I would hear him when he woke up. About 25 minutes into my "walk", I heard him cry. I thought I would finish up this minute and then go get him, but he stopped crying almost immediately so I thought he must have gone back to sleep, so I kept walking. I walked a couple of more minutes and then heard him again, so I immediately shut off the treadmill and came up to get him. Although when I got to his bedroom door, it sounded like the crying was coming directly from the other side of the door, not his crib. So I opened the door carefully and sure enough, there was my son, at the door. Somehow (he either climbed or fell from his crib) he got out of his crib and met me at the door! He was not hurt and his cry was not a hurt-cry, just a cry "to get me out of my room"! After the shock wore off and I realized that he was not hurt, I said a thankful prayer! Then I just couldn't believe it and think it is pretty funny now! Needless to say, the side of the crib stays up permanently (the side doesn't go up and down very well) and I can't lay my child down very well because I am too short!! Oh well, he seems to be fine with it and is standing up to greet me most of the time (which makes it easy for me to get him!), it is just the laying him down that is quite a stretch! A few miscellaneous pics of Kaydon!

1 comment:

Anjanette said...

Hey Julie! Good to see you today - Kaydon is doing so well! Glad I found your blog - will be following along!